
2022年, 第38卷, 第2期 刊出日期:2022-04-15

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  • Kun HE, Meng-jie LI, Yan FU, Fu-zhou GONG, Xiao-ming SUN
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2022, 38(2): 235-253.
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    The traditional approaches to false discovery rate (FDR) control in multiple hypothesis testing are usually based on the null distribution of a test statistic. However, all types of null distributions, including the theoretical, permutation-based and empirical ones, have some inherent drawbacks. For example, the theoretical null might fail because of improper assumptions on the sample distribution. Here, we propose a null distribution-free approach to FDR control for multiple hypothesis testing in the case-control study. This approach, named target-decoy procedure, simply builds on the ordering of tests by some statistic or score, the null distribution of which is not required to be known. Competitive decoy tests are constructed from permutations of original samples and are used to estimate the false target discoveries. We prove that this approach controls the FDR when the score function is symmetric and the scores are independent between different tests. Simulation demonstrates that it is more stable and powerful than two popular traditional approaches, even in the existence of dependency. Evaluation is also made on two real datasets, including an arabidopsis genomics dataset and a COVID-19 proteomics dataset.
  • Shuang LI, Cheng PENG, Ying BAO, Yan-long ZHAO, Zhen CAO
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2022, 38(2): 254-270.
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    This paper proposes an approximate analytical solution method to calculate counterparty credit risk exposures. Compared with the Standard Approach for measuring Counterparty Credit Risk and the Internal Modeling Method provided by Basel Committee, the proposed method significantly improves the calculation efficiency based on sacrificing a little accuracy. Taking Forward Rate Agreement as an example, this article derives the exact expression for Expected Exposure. By approximating the distribution of Forward Rate Agreement’s future value to a normal distribution, the approximate analytical expression for Potential Future Exposure is derived. Numerical results show that this method is reliable and is robust under different parameters.
  • On Disjoint Cycles of the Same Length in Tournaments
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2022, 38(2): 271-281.
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    A tournament is an orientation of the complete graph. Tournaments form perhaps the most interesting class of digraphs and it has a great potential for application. Tournaments provide a model of the statistical technique called the method of paired comparisons and they have also been studied in connection with sociometric relations in small groups. In this paper, we investigate disjoint cycles of the same length in tournaments. In 2010, Lichiardopol conjectured that for given integers l ≥ 3 and k ≥ 1, any tournament with minimum out-degree at least (l - 1)k - 1 contains k disjoint l-cycles, where an l-cycle is a cycle of order l. Bang-Jensen et al. verified the conjecture for l = 3 and Ma et al. proved that it also holds for l ≥ 10. This paper provides a proof of the conjecture for the case of 9 ≥ l ≥ 4
  • Xiao-mei FENG, Li-li LIU, Feng-qin ZHANG
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2022, 38(2): 282-303.
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    For some infectious diseases such as mumps, HBV, there is evidence showing that vaccinated individuals always lose their immunity at different rates depending on the inoculation time. In this paper, we propose an age-structured epidemic model using a step function to describe the rate at which vaccinated individuals lose immunity and reduce the age-structured epidemic model to the delay differential model. For the age-structured model, we consider the positivity, boundedness, and compactness of the semiflow and study global stability of equilibria by constructing appropriate Lyapunov functionals. Moreover, for the reduced delay differential equation model, we study the existence of the endemic equilibrium and prove the global stability of equilibria. Finally, some numerical simulations are provided to support our theoretical results and a brief discussion is given.
  • Wei ZHANG, Su-fang WANG
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2022, 38(2): 304-311.
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    A graph G is called a fractional [a, b]-covered graph if for each e ∈ E(G), G contains a fractional [a,b]-factor covering e. A graph G is called a fractional (a,b,k)-critical covered graph if for any WV (G) with |W| = k, G - W is fractional [a, b]-covered, which was first defined and investigated by Zhou, Xu and Sun [S. Zhou, Y. Xu, Z. Sun, Degree conditions for fractional (a,b,k)-critical covered graphs, Information Processing Letters 152(2019)105838]. In this work, we proceed to study fractional (a,b,k)-critical covered graphs and derive a result on fractional (a,b,k)-critical covered graphs depending on minimum degree and neighborhoods of independent sets.
  • Shao-jia JIN, Yan-yan LIU, Guang-cai MAO, Ming-yu SHAN
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2022, 38(2): 312-323.
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    As biological studies become more expensive to conduct, it is a frequently encountered question that how to take advantage of the available auxiliary covariate information when the exposure variable is not measured. In this paper, we propose an induced cure rate mean residual life time regression model to accommodate the survival data with cure fraction and auxiliary covariate, in which the exposure variable is only assessed in a validation set, but a corresponding continuous auxiliary covariate is ascertained for all subjects in the study cohort. Simulation studies elucidate the practical performance of the proposed method under finite samples. As an illustration, we apply the proposed method to a heart disease data from the Study of Left Ventricular Dysfunction.
  • Xiu-li XU, Shuo WANGy
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2022, 38(2): 324-336.
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    This paper considers an on-off fluid queue model. The on and off states of the system appear alternately, and the sojourn times at these two different states are independent, and each one follows an exponential distribution. The fluid flows into the system buffer with some strategies to wait for the system service under the first-come first-served discipline. Here the system can process the fluid in the buffer only when the system is on state. With given utility functions such as an expected average social profit, and an individual expected profit, the equilibrium strategies are characterized under both the fully unobservable case and the partially observable case.
  • Yan-fei CHAI, San-yang LIU, Si-qi WANG
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2022, 38(2): 337-351.
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    In this paper, we investigate dual problems for nonconvex set-valued vector optimization via abstract subdifferential. We first introduce a generalized augmented Lagrangian function induced by a coupling vector-valued function for set-valued vector optimization problem and construct related set-valued dual map and dual optimization problem on the basic of weak efficiency, which used by the concepts of supremum and infimum of a set. We then establish the weak and strong duality results under this augmented Lagrangian and present sufficient conditions for exact penalization via an abstract subdifferential of the object map. Finally, we define the sub-optimal path related to the dual problem and show that every cluster point of this sub-optimal path is a primal optimal solution of the object optimization problem. In addition, we consider a generalized vector variational inequality as an application of abstract subdifferential.
  • Jun WU, Bo-ling GUO
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2022, 38(2): 352-367.
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    We study the Schwarzschild spacetime solutions to the Einstein-Euler equations. In our analysis, we aim to show local stability under small perturbations. To resolve this problem, we use the Nash-Moser (-Hamilton) theorem. The work was originally developed for the nonrelativistic Euler-Poisson equations.
  • Peng CHEN, Xian-hua TANG, Yuan-yuan ZHANG
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2022, 38(2): 368-387.
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    n this paper, we deal with the nonlinear second-order differential equation with damped vibration term involving p-Laplacian operator. Of particular interest is the resolution of an open problem. An interesting outcome from our result is that we can obtain the fast homoclinic solution with general superlinear growth assumption in suitable Sobolev space. To our knowledge, our theorems appear to be the first such result about damped vibration problem with p-Laplacian operator.
  • Wen-hao FU, Zhong-wen CHEN
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2022, 38(2): 388-409.
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    We propose a line search exact penalty method with bi-object strategy for nonlinear semidefinite programming. At each iteration, we solve a linear semidefinite programming to test whether the linearized constraints are consistent or not. The search direction is generated by a piecewise quadratic-linear model of the exact penalty function. The penalty parameter is only related to the information of the current iterate point. The line search strategy is a penalty-free one. Global and local convergence are analyzed under suitable conditions. We finally report some numerical experiments to illustrate the behavior of the algorithm on various degeneracy situations.
  • Ji-shan FAN, Fu-cai LI, GEN NAKAMURA
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2022, 38(2): 410-416.
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    In this paper we first establish the uniform regularity of smooth solutions with respect to the viscosity coefficients to the isentropic compressible magnetohydrodynamic system in a periodic domain $\mathbb{T}^n$. We then apply our result to obtain the isentropic compressible magnetohydrodynamic system with zero viscosity.
  • Si-zhong ZHOU, Hong-xia LIU
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2022, 38(2): 417-425.
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    Let $m$, $t$, $r$ and $k_i$ $(1\leq i\leq m)$ be positive integers with $k_i\geq\frac{(t+3)r}{2}$, and $G$ be a digraph with vertex set $V(G)$ and arc set $E(G)$. Let $H_1,H_2,\cdots,H_t$ be $t$ vertex-disjoint subdigraphs of $G$ with $mr$ arcs. In this article, it is verified that every $[0,k_1+k_2+\cdots+k_m-(m-1)r]$-digraph $G$ has a $[0,k_i]_1^{m}$-factorization $r$-orthogonal to every $H_i$ for $1\leq i\leq t$.
  • Dong-qin CHEN, Wen-jun LIU, Zhi-jing CHEN
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2022, 38(2): 426-440.
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    In this paper, we study the well-posedness and the asymptotic stability of a one-dimensional thermoelastic microbeam system, where the heat conduction is given by Gurtin-Pipkin thermal law. We first establish the well-posedness of the system by using the semigroup arguments and Lumer-Phillips theorem. We then obtain an explicit and general formula for the energy decay rates through perturbed energy method and some properties of the convex functions.
  • Qiang-hui XU, Ji-cai HUANG, Yue-ping DONG, Yasuhiro TAKEUCHI
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2022, 38(2): 441-462.
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    In this paper, we investigate a delayed HIV infection model that considers the homeostatic proliferation of CD4+ T cells. The existence and stability of uninfected equilibrium and infected equilibria (smaller and larger ones) are studied by analyzing the characteristic equation of the system. The intracellular delay does not affect the stability of uninfected equilibrium, but it can change the stability of larger positive equilibrium and Hopf bifurcation appears inducing stable limit cycles. Furthermore, direction and stability of Hopf bifurcation are well investigated by using the central manifold theorem and the normal form theory. The numerical simulation results show that the stability region of larger positive equilibrium becomes smaller as the increase of time delay. Moreover, when the maximum homeostatic growth rate is very small, the larger positive equilibrium is always stable. On the contrary, when the rate of supply of T cells is very small, the larger positive equilibrium is always unstable.
  • Na LI, Xiao-ming HE
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2022, 38(2): 463-483.
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    In this paper, we study the existence of positive solution for the $p$-Laplacian equations with fractional critical nonlinearity \[ \begin{cases} (-\Delta)^{s}_{p}u+V(x)|u|^{p-2}u=K(x)f(u)+P(x)|u|^{p^{*}_{s}-2}u, \qquad x\in \mathbb{R}^{N}, \\ u\in \mathcal {D}^{s,p}(\mathbb{R}^{N}), \end{cases} \] where $s\in(0,1), \ p^{*}_{s}=\frac{Np}{N-sp}, \ N>sp, \ p>1$ and $ V(x),K(x)$ are positive continuous functions which vanish at infinity, $f$ is a function with a subcritical growth, and $P(x)$ is bounded, nonnegative continuous function. By using variational method in the weighted spaces, we prove the above problem has at least one positive solution.
  • Wen-juan LI, Yuan-hong YU
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2022, 38(2): 484-496.
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    The authors present some new criteria for oscillation and asymptotic behavior of solutions of third-order nonlinear differential equations with a sublinear neutral term of the form $$\left(r(t)(z''(t))^{\alpha}\right)'+\int^{d}_{c}q(t,\xi)f\left(x\left(\sigma(t,\xi)\right)\right)d\xi=0, \qquad t\geq t_{0}$$ where $z(t)=x(t)+\int^{b}_{a}p(t,\xi)x^{\gamma}\left(\tau(t,\xi)\right)d\xi,~0<\gamma\leq1.$ Under the conditions $\int^{\infty}_{t_{0}}r^{-\frac{1}{\alpha}}(t)dt=\infty$ or $\int^{\infty}_{t_{0}}r^{-\frac{1}{\alpha}}(t)dt<\infty.$ The results obtained here extend, improve and complement to some known results in the literature. Examples are provided to illustrate the theorems.
  • Chen PENG
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2022, 38(2): 497-511.
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    In this paper, we derive a time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau model for liquid 4He coupling with an applied magnetic field basing on the Le Châtlier principle.
    We also obtain the existence and uniqueness of global weak solution for this model. In addition, by utilizing the regularity estimates for linear semigroup, we prove that the model possesses a global classical solution.