
2020年, 第36卷, 第1期 刊出日期:2020-01-15

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  • Gang BAO, Jin CHENG, Ji-jun LIU, Bo ZHANG
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2020, 36(1): 1-2.
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  • Jin CHENG, Yi-kan LIU, Yan-bo WANG, Masahiro YAMAMOTO
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2020, 36(1): 3-17.
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    In this paper, we establish a novel unique continuation property for two-dimensional anisotropic elasticity systems with partial information. More precisely, given a homogeneous elasticity system in a connected open bounded domain, we investigate the unique continuation by assuming only the vanishing of one component of the solution in a subdomain. Using the corresponding Riemann function, we prove that the solution vanishes in the whole domain provided that the other component vanishes at one point up to its second derivatives. Further, we construct several examples showing the possibility of further reducing the additional information of the other component. This result possesses remarkable significance in both theoretical and practical aspects because the required data are almost halved for the unique determination of the whole solution.
  • Yang LIU, Yi-xian GAO, Jian ZU
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2020, 36(1): 18-48.
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    The time-domain multiple cavity scattering problem, which arises in diverse scientific areas, has significant industrial and military applications. The multiple cavities, embedded in an infinite ground plane, is filled with inhomogeneous media characterized by variable dielectric permittivities and magnetic permeabilities. Corresponding to the transverse electric, the scattering problem can be studied by the Helmholtz equation in frequency domain and wave equation in time-domain respectively. A novel transparent boundary condition in time-domain is developed to reformulate the cavity scattering problem into an initial-boundary value problem in a bounded domain. The well-posedness and stability of the reduced problem are established. Moreover, a priori energy estimates for the electric field is obtained with minimum regularity requirement for the data and an explicit dependence on the time by studying the wave equation directly.
  • Chang-long WANG, Jun-xiong JIA, Ji-gen PENG, Shou-jin LIN
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2020, 36(1): 49-66.
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    Based on sparse information recovery, we develop a new method for locating multiple multiscale acoustic scatterers. Firstly, with the prior information of the scatterers' shape, we reformulate the location identification problem into a sparse information recovery model which brought the power of sparse recovery method into this type of inverse scattering problems. Specifically, the new model can advance the judgment of the existence of alternative scatterers and, in the meantime, conclude the number and locating of each existing scatterers. Secondly, as well known, the core model (l0-minimization) in sparse information recovery is an NP-hard problem. According to the characteristics of the proposed sparse model, we present a new substitute method and give a detailed theoretical analysis of the new substitute model. Relying on the properties of the new model, we construct a basic algorithm and an improved one. Finally, we verify the validity of the proposed method through two numerical experiments.
  • Yan-li CUI, Feng-long QU
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2020, 36(1): 67-73.
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    Consider the inverse problem of recovering a multi-layered fluid-solid medium from many acoustic measurements corresponding to time-harmonic acoustic plane waves. We prove that both the supports of the embedded solid obstacle and the surrounding layered fluid medium can be uniquely identified by means of acoustic far-field pattern for all incident wave fields at a fixed frequency. Our proof is based on the constructions of some well-posed partial differential equation systems in sufficiently small domains combined with the a priori estimates for the solutions of the forward scattering problem.
  • Xia JI, Yun-fei JIA, Xiao-dong LIU
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2020, 36(1): 74-94.
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    We consider the inverse fluid-solid interaction scattering of incident plane wave from the knowledge of the phased and phaseless far field patterns. For the phased data, one direct sampling method for location and shape reconstruction is proposed. Only inner product is involved in the computation, which makes it very simple and fast to be implemented. With the help of the factorization of the far field operator, we give a lower bound of the proposed indicator functional for the sampling points inside the elastic body. While for the sampling points outside, we show that the indicator functional decays like the Bessel function as the points go away from the boundaries of the elastic body. We also show that the proposed indicator functional continuously dependents on the far field patterns, which further implies that the novel sampling method is extremely stable with respect to data error. For the phaseless data, to overcome the translation invariance, we consider the scattering of point sources simultaneously. By adding a reference sound-soft obstacle into the scattering system, we show some uniqueness results with phaseless far field data. Numerically, we introduce a phase retrieval algorithm to retrieve the phased data without the additional obstacle. The novel phase retrieval algorithm can also be combined with the sampling method for phased data. We also design two novel direct sampling methods using the phaseless data directly. Finally, some numerical simulations in two dimensions are conducted with noisy data, and the results further verify the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed numerical methods.
  • Chang-kun WEI, Jia-qing YANG, Bo ZHANG
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2020, 36(1): 95-118.
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    This paper considers the scattering of a time-dependent electromagnetic plane wave by a bounded elastic body. An appropriate decomposition of the coupling interface conditions is proposed according to the Voigt's model between the electromagnetic and elastic medium. The original unbounded scattering problem is equivalently reduced into an initial-boundary value problem in a bounded domain by introducing an exact transparent boundary condition (TBC) on a sufficiently large sphere. Making use of the Lax-Milgram lemma, the abstract inversion theorem of Laplace transform and the energy method, we verify the well-posedness and stability for the reduced problem. Moreover, a priori estimates are established for the electromagnetic field and elastic displacement by taking special test functions directly in the time domain variational formulation.
  • Hai-wen ZHANG
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2020, 36(1): 119-133.
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    In this paper, we consider the inverse acoustic scattering problem by an unbounded rough surface. A direct imaging method is proposed to reconstruct the rough surfaces from scattered-field data for incident plane waves and the performance analysis is also presented. The reconstruction method is very robust to noises of measured data and does't need to know the type of the boundary conditions of the surfaces in advance. Finally, numerical examples are carried out to illustrate that our method is fast, accurate and stable even for the case of multiple-scale profiles.
  • Guang-hui HU, Yavar KIAN, Yue ZHAO
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2020, 36(1): 134-150.
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    This paper is concerned with inverse acoustic source problems in an unbounded domain with dynamical boundary surface data of Dirichlet kind. The measurement data are taken at a surface far away from the source support. We prove uniqueness in recovering source terms of the form f(x)g(t) and f(x1, x2, t)h(x3), where g(t) and h(x3) are given and x=(x1, x2, x3) is the spatial variable in three dimensions. Without these a priori information, we prove that the boundary data of a family of solutions can be used to recover general source terms depending on both time and spatial variables. For moving point sources radiating periodic signals, the data recorded at four receivers are prove sufficient to uniquely recover the orbit function. Simultaneous determination of embedded obstacles and source terms was verified in an inhomogeneous background medium using the observation data of infinite time period. Our approach depends heavily on the Laplace transform.
  • Ze-wen WANG, Zhou-sheng RUAN, He-lu HUANG, Shu-fang QIU
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2020, 36(1): 151-165.
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    In this paper, we consider an inverse time-dependent source problem of heat conduction equation. Firstly, the ill-posedness and conditional stability of this inverse source problem is analyzed. Then, a finite difference inversion method is proposed for reconstructing the time-dependent source from a nonlocal measurement. The existence and uniqueness of the finite difference inverse solutions are rigorously analyzed, and the convergence is proved. Combined with the mollification method, the proposed finite difference inversion method can obtain more stable reconstructions from the nonlocal data with noise. Finally, numerical examples are given to illustrate the efficiency and convergence of the proposed finite difference inversion method.
  • Chun-long SUN, Ji-jun LIU
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2020, 36(1): 166-182.
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    Consider a linear inverse problem of determining the space-dependent source term in a diffusion equation with time fractional order derivative from the flux measurement specified in partial boundary. Based on the analysis on the forward problem and the adjoint problem with inhomogeneous boundary condition, a variational identity connecting the inversion input data with the unknown source function is established. The uniqueness and the conditional stability for the inverse problem are proven by weak unique continuation and the variational identity in some norm. The inversion scheme minimizing the regularizing cost functional is implemented by using conjugate gradient method, with numerical examples showing the validity of the proposed reconstruction scheme.
  • Feng-lian YANG, Liang YAN
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2020, 36(1): 183-202.
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    In this study, we consider an ensemble Kalman inversion (EKI) for the numerical solution of time fractional diffusion inverse problems (TFDIPs). Computational challenges in the EKI arise from the need for repeated evaluations of the forward model. We address this challenge by introducing a non-intrusive reduced basis (RB) method for constructing surrogate models to reduce computational cost. In this method, a reduced basis is extracted from a set of full-order snapshots by the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), and a doubly stochastic radial basis function (DSRBF) is used to learn the projection coefficients. The DSRBF is carried out in the offline stage with a stochastic leave-one-out cross-validation algorithm to select the shape parameter, and the outputs for new parameter values can be obtained rapidly during the online stage. Due to the complete decoupling of the offline and online stages, the proposed non-intrusive RB method-referred to as POD-DSRBF-provides a powerful tool to accelerate the EKI approach for TFDIPs. We demonstrate the practical performance of the proposed strategies through two nonlinear time-fractional diffusion inverse problems. The numerical results indicate that the new algorithm can achieve significant computational gains without sacrificing accuracy.
  • Li-yan WANG, Ji-jun LIU
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2020, 36(1): 203-222.
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    Fluorescence imaging is a target-specific molecular imaging technology using absorption coefficient of fluorophore. For this imaging model governed by an inverse problem for the coupled diffusion system, which describes the interaction of the excitation field from several boundary sources and the corresponding emission field, we reformulate it as an optimization problem. For solving this non-quadratic optimizing problem, we propose a decomposition scheme, which extracts the horizontal information of the target from the boundary measurement data directly. The realizability of this hybrid imaging scheme is rigorously proved mathematically for cubic and ellipsoid targets, by constructing an indicator function for the horizontal location of the target explicitly. Then based on this horizonal location as a good initial guess for the iteration process, the cost functional is optimized efficiently using the trust domain scheme. Numerical implementations are provided to show the validity of the proposed scheme.
  • Yu JIANG, Shi-hui QIAN
    应用数学学报(英文版). 2020, 36(1): 223-236.
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    This paper deals with an inverse problem for recovering the piecewise constant viscoelasticity of a living body from MRE (Magnetic Resonance Elastography) data. Based on a scalar partial differential equation whose solution can approximately simulate MRE data, our inverse coefficient problem is considered as a statistical inverse problem of reconstructing the posterior distribution of unknown viscoelastic modulus. For sampling this distribution, one usually can use the Metropolis-Hastings Markov chain Monte Carlo (MHMCMC) algorithm. However, without an appropriate "proposal" distribution given artificially, the MH-MCMC algorithm is hard to draw samples efficiently. To avoid this, a so-called slice sampling algorithm is introduced in this paper and applied for solving our problem. The performance of these statistical inversion algorithms is numerically tested basing on simulated data.